Friday, April 3, 2020

AP Chemistry Test 2020 - How to Get The Exam Online

AP Chemistry Test 2020 - How to Get The Exam OnlineThere are a lot of websites on the internet that tell you the importance of AP Chemistry test 2020. However, most of these sites are very misleading. The fact is that you can't even get your AP Chemistry test online. So if you are thinking about taking it, then it is not possible for you to do so.Why is it impossible for you to take it? It is because these tests are not available online. They do not have a website and people are not allowed to get them from outside. Most of the websites that tell you that you can take it online are a load of rubbish. There are only a few websites where you can find the right tests for yourself.While you are looking for the AP Chemistry test online, make sure that you use the correct information. Most of the websites that sell online offers incorrect information and many of the offers may not be legitimate.Online tests are expensive and as you know, you will only get one chance to take the test. You h ave to think about the time when you will be able to get the test and whether or not you can afford it.If you know where to get the test, you can do so. There are a few websites that provide the tests for free. But remember that you can only get the test from those websites that give the test online.Most of the websites that tell you about the test will offer you the test for free. However, they only give you the test as a PDF file so you will not be able to take it right away.If you have a question, you have to find the website that sells the test and ask for the test. If you can't get the answers from the website, you will have to purchase the test from the site. If you find it difficult to locate the site that sells the test, then you can buy the test from Amazon or eBay.

Monday, March 23, 2020

How to Sing While Breaking a Sweat Tips for Triple Threats

How to Sing While Breaking a Sweat Tips for Triple Threats Suzy S. John Travolta, Hugh Jackman,  and Catherine Zeta-Jones are just a few of the Hollywood celebrities known for being triple threatsskilled in singing, dancing, and acting. Here, Corona, CA teacher  Milton J.  shares his tips for reaching their superstar status So youve decided to take vocal lessons to learn how to sing better, but the buck doesnt just stop there for your own ambitions. You have your eyes set on the stage and the screen, and you won’t stop until youre there. You may be doe-eyed and eager to learn, but you’re sure of where you want to end up. Your guide is nighjust remember The Three P’s: Preparation, Practice, and Performance. Preparation That first wonderful step is taking vocal lessons. (And if you haven’t started those yet, what are you waiting for?! Book lessons with me, or find a teacher near you!) Finding a vocal teacher is very important in order for you to understand how to use your entire vocal cavitynot just how to sing. Taking vocal lessons will indeed improve your speaking and recitation voices as well. Next, taking acting classes and workshops will allow you to put those new speaking and singing tools youve acquired into action, all the while improving your cue, marking, beat, and improvisation skills. From there, taking dance classes will start the third leg of your Triple-Threat race. Taking dance lessons will help you continue improving the skills youve picked up in your acting classes while adding in rhythm, technique, ensemble and solo routine, and vocal/dance incorporation. Practice Youve heard the old adage time and time againPractice Makes Perfect. It’s been around so long because it’s true; the best way to improve yourself after youve acquired the tools is to cultivate them into skills. After your vocal lessons, it’s important to do your daily vocal warm-ups and exercises to continue building strength in the muscles of your vocal cavity. After your acting classes and workshops, continue to run lines, blocking, and scene rehearsing. Visualization with a virtual stage at home can help to put all phases of your scene together. And after your dance lessons, continue doing your daily stretches and routine practicing in order to polish them up for the next class and, ideally, the eventual performance. P-R-A-C-T-I-C-E! Performance After the preparation, and after all of the practicing, the payoff draws nearthe Performance. With your vocal lessons, seek out vocal opportunities either solicited from your vocal teacher or elsewhere. Community choral groups are a wonderful place to learn how to sing with others and cultivate your musical score reading skills. As a solo singer, your local coffee shop, bar, or music store may lead open mic nights for you to pop into and sing a few selections youve been working on for an audience. For acting, look into your local community theater companies for audition opportunities. Check the audition dates (usually on their website or the theater box office) and ask your acting instructor for input on audition pieces if you haven’t already. Lastly, for dancing, dance showcases are the perfect opportunity to strut your stuff. If you’re attending classes at a dance studio, chances are theyll have a showcase coming up. If not, actively seek out showcases you can audition fortry your citys Park and Recreation department, or other local dance studios. These organizations are always looking for new undiscovered talent or new dancers to join their ranks. Preparation is the first step, Practice makes perfect, and the Performance is the goal. Now that you’re set with The Three P’s, you’re on your way to becoming the Triple Threat you know you can be! Break a leg! Milton J. teaches guitar, piano, singing, music recording, music theory, opera voice, songwriting, speaking voice and acting lessons in  Corona, CA. He specializes in classical, RB, soul, pop, rock, jazz, and opera styles. Learn more about Milton here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Jerome S

Friday, March 6, 2020

Get The Best Essay Writing Service Right Away

Get The Best Essay Writing Service Right Away 0SHARESShare Want superb essay writing service? Meet Tutor Pace, one of the best providers of essay writing services. If you want quality-written essays now, connect with our excellent essay writer. Our top strategies of writing To be able to keep pace with the finest quality, we have created a few effective strategies of writing: ? Write in variety: Our expert essay writer writes all types of essays for you. For instance, argumentative, definition, critical, deductive, and narrative etc. So, you can get any type of essay based on your requirements. ? Target audience: Since, we work solely for you; it is our utmost pleasure to write specifically for you. Whether you are a primary class student or a college graduate, you will get the most apt write-up. ? Follow an all-inclusive system: Our essay writer follows a broad system of delivering the finest work to you. Our writing plan consists of deciding thesis, preparing blueprint (outline), scripting essays, editing drafts, and finalizing documents. A written document thus reaches you after passing all these stages. In nutshell, you get the document, which is spotless from top to bottom. Tutor Pace’s essay writing services give you incredible results. Our quality speaks for us always! Get Your  Online Essay Writer Now [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to improve writing standards of 10th grade student

How to improve writing standards of 10th grade student 0SHARESShare Writing standards defines the knowledge and skills required for proficient writing at particular grade level. If the student understand these standards well in advance, may help them to concentrate in English writing and be effective to meet expected grades in the test. The writing online standards of 10th grade students are like he/she should be capable enough to plan, draft and complete written compositions on regular basis. To improve their writing skills, they should practice various types of writing. They are expected to produce error-free essays that demonstrate their skills of writing about a specific purpose and for targeted audience. They should learn to edit their comprehension to deliver better clarity, correct use of conventions, engaging language. The student should emphasize writing logic with focused intention to convey well-defined view on the subject matter. The writing standards are specific with detailing every aspect of what standards students should attain in each grade. Online tutoring focus on five key areas to help students improving writing skills: writing process, purpose of writing, writing evaluation, writing conventions and research of content delivered in writing. Typically, these five standards are considered as a benchmark in writing proficiency for 10th grade students. Online tutoring targets fundamentals of writing, is excellent option to improve writing skills. Ask for a trial session to experience the realm of English writing. [starbox id=admin]

How Parents Can Help with Elementary Homework Challenges

How Parents Can Help with Elementary Homework Challenges Elementary homework can quickly become a challenging task for your student to complete. No matter the age, balancing several classes at a time can become taxing for many elementary students. It can become easy for them to question the importance of these assignments, but it is vital for parents to remember the purpose of elementary homework: to assist their students in fine-tuning skills learned in the classroom. While dealing with common elementary homework challenges, a lot of different complaints can arise in a studentall of which are totally normal. Parents can help with elementary homework challenges by utilizing certain techniques, such as establishing a homework schedule or reviewing sections of the textbook with their students. Here is how you, as a parent, can help resolve homework challenges your student might be facing: When elementary students feel they have too much homework On the surface, this can appear to be a simple excuse of not wanting to complete the assignments. It can, however, be a sign of something else: that the homework is feeling too hard for your student. Every student learns differently, and sometimes, an assignment may take different amounts of time for different students to complete. Also, it could be due to the student not having enough time to fully understand the concepts prior to the homework being assigned. This could simply mean your student needs to take some extra time before beginning the assignment to reread over the concept to get a better grasp of it. It could be helpful to have a designated, distraction-free, homework area in the house for your student to concentrate better. Remember, when your student says there is too much homework, there could be underlying issues that you can work together to solve. If your student feels a concept or class is consistently too hard, there are a few things you can do: Read through the textbook or handouts with your student Clarify things that might not be clicking Talk to the teacher to see if there are any extra materials he or she can provide [RELATED: How to Help Your Elementary School Student Cope with Test Anxiety] Make an elementary homework schedule with your student If your student feeling too tired to complete homework is a common occurrence, it may be time to reevaluate his or her scheduling. While extracurriculars are important to your child's growth and development, homework does come first. Examine your students agenda to see if there are better ways in which homework can be scheduled to help with this challenge. Perhaps completing assignments earlier in the evening can help prevent exhaustion from extracurriculars before homework. If your student has a lot of activities going on, working homework into that weekly schedule ahead of time can help your student learn to prioritize and balance tasks. Encourage your student to ask teachers about homework challenges Your elementary student not knowing what the teacher wants is oftentimes a large complaint. It can become frustrating to have your student come home with a lot of assignments and have no idea what to do for them. If this is a common occurrence, have your student begin to have conversations with teachers in an effort to better understand assignments and concepts. This is also a good habit to instill in your student at a young age; the earlier he or she knows how to approach teachers to ask for clarification, the better luck your student will have with assignments throughout his or her education. [RELATED: 5 Questions to Ask Your Student's New Teacher] Also, if a child doesnt seem to like a specific teacher, it can definitely become another factor that contributes to a lack of desire to complete the homework. Ask your student to explain further where the dislike is stemming from. It could be a case of not liking the amount of work assigned or certain classroom rules, for instance. Encourage your student to have an open, honest conversation with you about these concerns; they may end up being minor issues that you can help him or her work past. If, however, you find there is a deeper issue of disrespect or negative behaviors in the classroom, it is important to speak with the teacher personally. Request a meeting with him or her to find out if it is simply a misunderstanding or if higher action needs to be taken. [RELATED: Elementary School Parent-Teacher Conferences: What to Ask] At the end of the day, homework is a necessity in your student's life. It exists for many reasons, but primarily to help strengthen skills learned in the classroom. There may be challenges or long nights, but the important thing is to stay focused on encouraging your childs ability to complete the tasks at hand. Staying motivated and focused will help both you and your child progress toward a positive educational future. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

5 Tips for a Successful Finals Week

5 Tips for a Successful Finals Week Dont let finals week get the best of you! The following five strategies are smart tactics that can greatly aid you during the course of your final exams. Ultimately, the key to success goes beyond simply studying hard. 1. Dedicate each day to a single subject Instead of reviewing for several different exams within one timeframe, devote each day to preparing for a single test. The material you discuss in the latter half of a semester or term is often a continuation of information presented early in the course. Do not yet switch to studying for a second exam when you have established a solid rhythm reviewing for the first test. Remain on one subject per day in order to build on the course material and focus your efforts. Doing so will feel much less chaotic than jumping from one courses notes to the others. 2. Review course notes in advance Do not delay until the evening before the test to review your class notes. What if you discover that you cant read what you wrote, or you just dont understand the material? Study your course notes several days before the scheduled final. This will allow you time to ask your teacher or classmates for clarification if you have any doubts. Consistently skim your notes along the way and you will familiarize yourself with the content effectively. These are some great tips to help you organize your notesthat you may find useful as well. 3.Study in small groups When reviewing in small groups, it is recommended that the group have between two and four members. Even if you are an individual who doesnt mind preparing by yourself, you can gain a tremendous amount of knowledge from studying with others. Perhaps another student has notes on a topic you forgot to jot down or can explain a concept you find difficult. Verbalizing information strengthens memory. Here are a fewof the benefits of group study. However, study groups with more than four members can become disruptive and easily sidetracked. A smaller group allows each of you to more easily bounce ideas off of each other and come to quicker conclusions on class material. 4. Record important dates It is an excellent idea to maintain an agenda pad where you write down your obligations. Write the exact dates and times of all upcoming final exams, deadlines for essays, and review sessions you plan to attend. It would be a shame to spend hours studying and then miss the test because you forgot when it began. Keeping a thorough record of test dates and times as well as study dates and times is the simplest method to ensure that youre on track and aware of your responsibilities. 5. Treat your body well A healthy mind and a healthy body are crucial to success during a stressful week like this one. Your diet during finals week can have a significant impact on your performance during exams; feeling hunger pains while taking an important test is never a positive experience. During this crucial portion of the semester, its best to select food that will provide you long-lasting energy, such as complex carbohydrates (found in bread, cereal, etc.) and proteins. Caffeine and simple sugars may result in an initial rush, but this type of energy is short-term and will lead to a crash before you know it. When your brain must absorb a significant amount of information, it requires a greater caloric intake and additional hydration. Ensure you drink ample amounts of water in order to prevent headaches, cramping, and other negative side effects of dehydration. Taking good care of your body will bring you advantages during the test days you may not have even imagined. Feeling well and strong is half the battle to acing your final exams. You may also want to take a look at this information on the importance of sleep!

Question Formation Errors

Question Formation Errors Question forms in English can be tricky.Most questions require the inversion of the subject and the auxiliary. There are a number of auxiliaries to choose from, and auxiliaries must agree with their subject. This handy guide will help you eliminate common errors and ask correctly formed questions. The Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checker can catch many question formation errors. Study each one below carefully so that you can eliminate these question formation errors from your writing and speaking. For extra practice, try the grammar practice activities here. 11 Common question errors RULE: Don’t use do for all questions. A progressive verb form requires a form of the verb TO BE as its auxiliary. Useam, is, are,in the present tense orwas, werein the past tense. INCORRECT: Do I am saying it correctly?CORRECT: Am I saying it correctly? RULE: Don’t forget to use an auxiliary with progressive tenses. INCORRECT:Whyyou spending money on things you dont need?CORRECT:Why are you spending money on things you dont need? RULE: Conjugate your DO auxiliary for the third person singular in the Simple Present. INCORRECT:Do he need help?CORRECT:Doeshe need help? RULE: Make sure that your verb TO BE agrees with your plural subject. INCORRECT:How wasyour classes yesterday?CORRECT:How were your classes yesterday? RULE: When no auxiliary is needed because the question word is the subject of the verb, conjugate the verb for the third person singular. INCORRECT:What make you smile?CORRECT:What makes you smile? RULE: Invert the subject and auxiliary verb. INCORRECT:Why you do not likeEnglish classes? CORRECT:Why do you not like English classes?CORRECT:Whydont you likeEnglish classes? RULE: Use only one auxiliary. INCORRECT:Why do you dont like salad?CORRECT:Why dont you like salad? RULE: Dont double your subject. One is enough. INCORRECT:What its your favourite sport? CORRECT:Whats your favourite sport? RULE: Use the Present Perfect when asking about the past leading up to the present with how long or how many years. INCORRECT:How many years do you play soccer?CORRECT:How many years have you played soccer? RULE: Use an article or plural noun in questions with countable nouns. INCORRECT:Do you have uncle or aunt?CORRECT:Do you have uncles or aunts?CORRECT:Do you have anuncle or an aunt? RULE: Do not invert your subject and verb when you embed a question in a sentence. INCORRECT:  The About page explains what is the Virtual Writing Tutor. CORRECT:     The About page explains what the Virtual Writing Tutor is. 50 more common errors and how to eliminate them from your writing Question Forms Tense ?Aspect ?PastPresentFutureSimpleDid I make mistakes?Did you make mistakes?Did he make mistakes?Did we make mistakes?Did they make mistakes?Do I make mistakes?Do you make mistakes?Does he make mistakes?Do we make mistakes?Do they make mistakes?Will I make mistakes?Willyou make mistakes?Willhe make mistakes?Do we make mistakes?Willthey make mistakes?ProgressiveWas I making mistakes?Were you making mistakes?Was she making mistakes?Were we making mistakes?Were they making mistakes?Am I making mistakes?Are you making mistakes?Is she making mistakes?Are we making mistakes?Are they making mistakes?Will I be making mistakes?Will you be making mistakes?Will she be making mistakes?Will we be making mistakes?Will they be making mistakes?PerfectHad I made mistakes?Had you made mistakes?Had he made mistakes?Had we made mistakes?Had they made mistakes?Have I made mistakes?Have you made mistakes?Have he made mistakes?Have we made mistakes?Have they made mistakes?Will I have made mistakes?Will you have made mistakes?Will he have made mistakes?Will we have made mistakes?Will they have made mistakes? Adding Question Words Tense ?Aspect ?PastPresentFutureSimpleWhat did I do?What did you do?What did she do?What did we do?What did they do?What do I do?What do you do?What do she do?What do we do?What do they do?What will I do?What will you do?What will she do?What will we do?What will they do?ProgressiveWhat was I doing?What were you doing?What was he doing?What were we doing?What were they doing?What am I doing?What are you doing?What is he doing?What are we doing?What are they doing?What will I be doing?What will you be doing?What will he be doing?What will we be doing?What will they be doing?PerfectWhat had I done?What had you done?What had she done?What had we done?What had they done?What have I done?What have you done?What have she done?What have we done?What have they done?What will I have done?What will you have done?What will she have done?What will we have done?What will we have done? Please follow and like us:

Six Ways Parents Can Help Children Master the Task of Prioritization

Six Ways Parents Can Help Children Master the Task of Prioritization As every parent knows, time management is an essential aptitude that students must have to be successful. At the core of good time management skills, however, is the ability to prioritize: to rank tasks from most to least important. Children who are capable of prioritizing their to-dos are at an advantage in several important ways: They make the most of their time. They have greater control over their schedules. They tend to be less stressed. They tend to have more free time (due to minimized procrastination). Parents: if you want to help your children become better managers of their time, teach them how to prioritize their school work and incorporate this practice into their daily routine. Here are six ways to do just that: Start with the big picture. Your child should have a master to-do list with everything on it that he or she is responsible for. This should include immediate tasks as well as those that are on the horizon (a week or a month out). Divide things up. Armed with the master list, have your child divide homework assignments into three groups: things due tomorrow, things due this week, things due next week or beyond. Create the high-priority to-do list for the night. The first listthings due tomorrowis where your child should focus his or her attention at homework time each night. Before getting started, children should rank everything they have to do for tomorrow from most to least important. Order of importance might be subjective, but it could be based on how early in the day the subject/class falls and whether theres an opportunity to do any work in a study hall or free period before it. Rank items from hardest to easiest. The top priority items are all important, so for some children, its easiest to think about what homework requires the most effort and time. That refined nightly to-do list might look like this: Math - p. 10-11 Most important (1st period) Hard 40 minutes English - edit essay Equally important (2nd period) Easy 30 minutes Social Studies -read Important, could be done tomorrow Medium hard 30 minutes Consider study preferences. Does your child like to work on the hardest homework first, or would checking off some of the less difficult assignments give a sense of accomplishment? Only your child can decide what works best for his or her brain. It might take a little trial and error to figure out those study preferences, but dont worry. The more your child does this, the easier (and faster) this decision-making process will become. Develop a plan for the bigger projects. While the above strategy works well for daily assignments, for more intensive projects, its a good idea to create a workback schedule to keep your child on track and focused on any deadlines. A project due February 1 might seem far away, but a detailed schedule might show your child that there are actually tasks he or she could start doing much sooner. Consider this example schedule for an English paper: Choose topic January 2 Research compiled January 5 Create outline January 8 Finish any additional research January 10 First draft January 13 Review and revise January 15 Second draft January 17 Have parent/peer review/edit January 18 Revise, third draft January 20 Get teacher feedback January 21 Revise January 23 Final edits January 25 Fourth draft January 27 Final review and proof January 28 Submit January 29 Dont we all want to make homework time less stressful and more efficient? The simple task of prioritization helps children establish effective working habits for any homework that comes their way. Rather than waste time fretting about how much is on the plate and procrastinating, a child who is adept at prioritizing will quickly assess what he or she has to do and dive right in. If your child struggles with time management and your efforts to set him or her on a positive path arent working, call Huntington. We can help your child get into a good routine and boost his or her confidence. Call us at 1-800-CAN LEARN today. About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader.Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help at For franchise opportunities please visit 2018 Huntington Mark, LLC. Huntington Learning Center, the three-leaf logo, and 1 800 CAN LEARN are registered trademarks of Huntington Mark, LLC. Each franchised Huntington Learning Center is operated under a franchise agreement with Huntington Learning Centers, Inc.


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